
Our approach extends beyond stand-alone workshops to help ensure international educators have the necessary support to do their best teaching, coaching, coordinating and leading.  Flexible, asynchronous courses with job-embedded tasks meet you where you are with three distinct entry points (foundation, application and specialization).  Four course cycles fit the busiest of schedules (fall, winter, spring and summer intensive sessions).

45 Professional development hours and 3 graduate credit hours* through The State University of New York (SUNY) are available following successful course completion.

*To receive graduate credit for Level 3, two of the specialization areas must be completed.

Three Entry Points

  • Level 1: Foundations

    This course is an ideal introduction for schools and educators who are just beginning the journey in addressing the needs of highly able learners.* You will develop an understanding of this unique population and explore key myths and misconceptions that may present as barriers to action in supporting these learners. We will address the thorny questions of identification and labelling while supporting you in developing a philosophy that aligns with your individual school context.

    *Past participants of the Challenge for All Summit may also find this to be a useful refresher and consolidation of theories and concepts.


    Research, Theories and Frameworks for Understanding Giftedness

    Types and Profiles of Giftedness, Including Underachievement and Motivation

    Myth-Busting of Common Misconceptions

    Identification (Measurement Tools and Characteristics)

    Talent Development as an Inclusive Whole School Approach

    Social and Emotional Considerations

    Overexcitabilities and Physiological Factors

  • Level 2: Applications

    Building on Level 1 (Foundations), this course provides a practical introduction to essential strategies for meeting the needs of highly able learners. Suitable for classroom teachers as well as program coordinators.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 1, past participation in a Challenge for All Summit or an equivalent level of prior learning.



    Curriculum Compacting

    Advanced Differentiation


    Depth and Complexity

    Twice-Exceptionality and English Language Learners

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support

  • Level 3: Specialisations

    Designed for experienced classroom practitioners and those with a responsibility for developing or maintaining a highly able/gifted & talented program at their schools, this course level provides an opportunity to develop expertise in a topic of special interest. Participants will select from the following topics:

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of Level 2 or an equivalent level of prior learning.



    Program Development/Application

    Enrichment Classes and Projects

    Gifted Readers

    Gifted Mathematicians


Time Commitment: Choose the option that fits best with your busy schedule.

  • Take your time.

    Prefer to progress through a course at your own pace, ramping up when you have extra time during a break and stepping away from the course at busy times of the year?

    Although you are free to complete the course as quickly as you like, if you need the flexibility of a 9-week block of time in which to comfortably complete your course, the flex series is the right option for you.

  • Speed it up.

    Prefer to have a shorter, more intense block of time in which to learn? Do you find that it is more difficult for you to stay on track and complete work when there is too much flexibility in the timeline?

    If you need the focused due dates of a 3-week block of time in which to expeditiously complete your course, the summer intensive series is the right option for you.