All you need to address the academic, social, and emotional needs of highly able / gifted & talented learners
Upcoming Events:
Stay up-to-date on all things HAGT - From professional community and capacity-building events to enrichment courses for your students.
School Program Development
Tailor-made, practical professional development and programming for international schools - in-person, hybrid and virtual.
Annual Summit
Educators’ conference featuring workshop sessions, discussion forums and panels emphasizing practical application and action planning for schools.
Online Professional Learning Courses
Flexible, asynchronous courses with three distinct entry points (foundation, application and specialization); graduate and professional development hours available.
Feel free to contact us with any queries.
1-747-609-7103 (US)
+91 9910906915 (India)
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“As a gifted learner who was consistently given ‘extra work’ or told to go read in the back of the classroom, I am quite passionate about meeting the needs of learners and ensuring challenge and enrichment for all.”
- presenter, CFA Summit