The 3 E’s of Authentic Parent Partnership
Anita Churchville, M.S. Ed. Anita Churchville, M.S. Ed.

The 3 E’s of Authentic Parent Partnership

We begin each school year by welcoming new families into our community and assuring them that our philosophy is firmly rooted in the educator’s adage of “parents as partners.”  As sincere as we are, how true is it in reality?  Do all school staff, including administrators, counselors, and teachers, view the partnership through the same lens?

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Ability Grouping ≠ Tracking
Anita Churchville, M.S. Ed. Anita Churchville, M.S. Ed.

Ability Grouping ≠ Tracking

Fear of returning to the oft-criticized academic tracking of students has led progressive educators to be hesitant to group highly able/gifted students by ability. However, recent research supports the effectiveness of ability grouping for the highest performers and, concomitantly, the detriments of the exclusive use of heterogeneous grouping.

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